Not exactly Woodward and Bernstein breaking open the Watergate scandal. Call us when Obama swings and misses, screams Turds, misses again, and screams Double Turds. The news that isn`t really news after the jump.
the golf swing
From FarmLinks to The Ridge to Alabama football, our Martin Kaufmann takes you on a trip through Alabama.
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The biomechanics of the golf swing studies how the human body moves and the best way to maximize the body`s efforts to get top performance. When biomechanics a.
Not exactly Woodward and Bernstein breaking open the Watergate scandal. Call us when Obama swings and misses, screams Turds, misses again, and screams Double Turds. The news that isn`t really news after the jump.
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- Sep 30 Mon 2013 19:26
The Golf Swing
The Golf Swing